Dealing With Haters As An Internet Marketer

Dealing With Haters As An Internet Marketer


They say if you aren’t pissing someone off then you are doing something wrong.

I don’t know if I actually agree with that… but it does seem that any time you make a decision, some people are going to disagree with you, some people are going to strongly disagree with you, and some people are going to act out… and that’s all totally fine.

We are free to express ourselves, or at least we should be.

Unfortunately though some people take it to the extreme and go to far, I have asked someone that is younger than m and they have told me that these folks are called “haters”.

I am going to talk about the different ways you can handle them, and show an experience I had recently that reaffirmed my faith in trying to do the right thing, after dealing with some “Haters”.

We will also do our standard Q&A on any topic including:

Whether Spaghetti should have meatballs or not

…or anything else!

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