Freelance SEO Friday Fun – 50% Off All Services – Buy SEO Services

Freelance SEO Friday Fun – 50% Off All Services – Buy SEO Services

Coupon Code: birthday

Live today 7/29/2022 at 3pm. EST

Freelance SEO, SEO, Freelancing, Legiit… whatever you want to talk about let’s do it before the weekend!

I will also give away some Legiit merch!

Also Sunday will be my 44th birthday.

44 is my favorite number (RIP 44 ?‍⬛).

For my birthday I want to give something back to both you guys, and an organization I care about.

So starting now, and going through 1am EST. Monday morning I am offering 50% off all of MY services on Legiit (not all of Legiit. just my services, there has been confusion on that when I did sales in the past).

(I was going to get clever and do 44% off… but 50% is better)

I will then donate any profit after expenses that is generated from this sale to charity.

There is nothing in it for me except the joy I get from helping out.

Thank you everyone for allowing me to be in a position to do this.

The Coupon Code Is: birthday

And the link is

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