How To Do International SEO With Kira Khoroshilova

How To Do International SEO With Kira Khoroshilova

Live today 5/30/2024 at 3pm. EST. I am joined by international SEO expert Kira Khoroshilova

International SEO is a massively overlooked topic in the SEO industry.

I equate it to Mr. Beast having versions of his channel in numerous other languages… because there is a great big world out there, and not all of it speaks English.

That said there is a lot that goes into properly doing international SEO to get proper results…

…and I don’t know what any of that is.

Hence why I wanted to bring Kira on to tell us about how we can leverage this global opportunity.

Here is a little bit more about Kira:

Kira Khoroshilova is an international SEO consultant specializing in elevating the online presence of luxury and enterprise clients worldwide. At 26, Kira is an advocate for cultural and international SEO and a recognized public speaker, dedicated to educating digital marketers on international SEO best practices.

Kira is the perfect guest to talk to us about how to do international SEO… so make sure you join us live.

Today 5/30/2024 at 3pm. EST.

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