How To Grow An Audience From 0 to 19k (FAST)

How To Grow An Audience From 0 to 19k (FAST)

YouTube has been really good to me.

I don’t have the biggest channel, and don’t get the most views…

…but it has before and still does bring me a LOT of business, and increases my authority and reach tremendously.

Recently I have changed direction on my channel to bring in a different type of audience.

As I have been doing that it made me think it would be a good time to make a video on how to grow an audience on YouTube.

I may not have the biggest channel but I have a 19,000+ subscribers, and it is constantly growing… I know what works and what doesn’t work.

Having a YouTube audience is an irreplaceable asset that I tell all my Black Card Mastermind members to do.

So I decided to put together a quick video… less than 5 minutes… on how you can get to 19,000 subscribers… and do so faster than I did by avoiding the mistakes I made, and capitalizing on the things that worked.

This can seriously change your business and life forever if you put it into action.

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You 100% need to grow an audience and YouTube is the best place to do it and 5 minutes from now you will know exactly how to grow an audience fast!

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