Keyword Cloud Optimization With Herc Magnus Of Xagio

Keyword Cloud Optimization With Herc Magnus Of Xagio

Next week on 7/27/2022 at 1pm EST. I will be joined by Xagio Owner Herc Magnus.

Herc is the owner of Xagio and has a decade of success in SEO and SEO software.

He is going to be walking us through a technique called Keyword Cloud Optimization that isn’t being taught by anyone else.

You can expect to see:

How Herc uses Keyword Cloud Optimization to rank for multiple keywords on every page for better rankings and more quality traffic

How he ranked 19 keywords on the 1st page of Google with only 5 backlinks (because of K.C.O.)

The ninja method Herc uses to completely optimize entire websites from ONE dashboard, without changing tabs or needing to use multiple software tools

How to find the most profitable keywords for your niches quickly and efficiently using a powerful tool that makes this entire process so much faster and easier

The simple trick Herc uses to rank for multiple keywords on a single page

How Herc ranked this site above the Google maps listings

How newbies can jump right into the action and start ranking highly-profitable keywords without any technical skills or prior experience with SEO

The simple “Quick Start” method that lets you skip all the complicated technical stuff and get a WordPress site up in under 30 seconds

Watch Herc find a killer niche LIVE… right in front of your eyes

See real life examples of all of this in action, including the exact keywords and backlinks used to get 19 page #1 rankings

And a whole bunch more!

Check out Xagio at:

Check out Herc Magnus Legiit Influencer Picks At:

Joins us live Wednesday 7/27/2022 at 1pm EST. for the live free Keyword Cloud Optimization With Herc Magnus Of Xagio!

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