Lead Generation – Get This Wrong & Your Business is DEAD ????

Lead Generation – Get This Wrong & Your Business is DEAD ????

You know biggest problem I see with every business I talk to that isn’t where it wants to be?

Doesn’t matter if it is an agency, a freelancer, a local business, a cheese shoppe or anything else…

…the thing they almost all have in common is that they don’t do enough, or proper lead generation.

Many business owners don’t do ANY lead generation and just wait for business to come to them.

This is incredibly naive and outright dangerous for the future of their business.

Today I am going to talk about the importance of lead generation, the metrics you need to know if you want to continue to exist, and some of the different types of lead generation you can be doing in your business.

This will also serve as our weekly Q&A on most any topic.

Join me live today 10/20/2023 at 1pm. EST EXCLUSIVELY on YouTube

Click Here To Subscribe: http://chrismwalker.tv

See you then!

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