Legiit Premier | The Only Freelancers That Are Selected By Qualified Professionals (Apply Now)

Legiit Premier | The Only Freelancers That Are Selected By Qualified Professionals (Apply Now)

Tomorrow 8/30/2022 at 1pm. EST. we will launch the next phase of Legiit Premier!

To catch you up, Legiit Premier freelancers are the only freelancers on any site whose service has been tested and verified by people that are ACTUALLY QUALIFIED to try and test services, and evaluate them based on their effectiveness.

We’ve been slowly rolling this out over the last month or so, because we’ve (among other things) had to grow the team with people that are skilled in the various categories Legiit offers so that we had people that were capable of evaluating services properly.

This was an important step that I wasn’t going to let Legiit Premier fully launch without, because we believe in ethical behavior at Legiit, and saying something is verified when you yourself are now qualified to evaluate something, particularly something that could affect someone’s business, is unethical and a massive disservice to customers.

And while I and Jim are qualified in SEO, Marketing, Web Design/Dev. and a few other areas we are not in others.

(Just take a look at this thumbnail to evaluate my visual design skills if you don’t believe me)

Having said that, we are now ready to roll and start taking applications for Legiit Premier services!

So if you believe your service deserves to be among the best of the best, this is your chance to be considered!

I will be providing the URL where freelancers can apply to have their service or services considered.

I will also walkthrough the form live so everyone understands what is required before they dive in.

We will also be doing all the fun stuff we usually do including giveaways, Legiit feature tutorials, pretending to have Pizza when we don’t and much more!

See you tomorrow, 8/30/2022 at 1pm. EST.

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