Rep Co Review The Ultimate Review Management Tool

Rep Co Review The Ultimate Review Management Tool

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Start Scaling Your Agency Today

If you sell SEO or digital marketing services you likely fall into one of the following two categories:

1. You are starting out and you need an offer to make to prospects that they can handle before asking for thousands of dollars a month for SEO.

2. You are more established, already have some clients, and would like an easy way to add an additional 6 figures of income without the weight of a lot more work.

Most of you are probably shaking your head in agreement at one of those… I know because I have been in both those positions.

When I was getting started I offered all sorts of crazy things to get people to talk to me… video rankings, audits, web design, press releases… you name it, I tried it.

While I had some success… most of it didn’t work.

I did eventually find my way to some success though, but I quickly found I was either spending all my time prospecting and selling, or fulfilling time destroying SEO work, to the point that I had to stop prospecting because I didn’t have the time for more work.

I could have used a simple offer that would make it possible to provide people something they need at an affordable price that would be beneficial to them and lucrative to me.

A couple of years ago I found that review generation, and management fit this perfectly…

…when you have a system for it.

See the thing is, everyone knows how important reviews are. Its something that every business understands that they need, and always want more of.

However getting clients and customers to leave reviews can be incredibly time consuming and frustrating.

If you get 25% of customers to leave a review without asking them you are doing great.

However if you have a system to not only encourage customers to leave reviews, but to leverage the reviews you get to generate even more money for your clients… you have an easy, in demand, scalable business.
That’s why today I am going to be hosting a live demonstration of a software that has been in development for over a year that takes the entire review management process and reduces it to a few clicks.

Oh and it will do it for less than you’ll pay for lunch today.

My guest is going to show you not only a complete demo of this simple to use software, but how he has used it to generate an additional 6 figures in revenue for his agency.

Oh and did I mention that you can also use it to increase your Google maps rankings?

This is really a can’t miss presentation, and offer if you have any interest at all in adding revenue, generating leads, and increasing your ranking in Google maps.

This software is in a soft launch and you are going to get the opportunity to jump in for 85% off what it will retail at.

But there’s no obligation. Its a free training and demo, and everything we are going to show can be done manually if you want to dedicate the time to it.

There’s no risk except NOT checking this out.


There is no guarantee of a replay, nor do I have any idea how long the 85% price reduction will last.

P.S. I get asked to do promotions all the time but I only do a few a year because I only want to present you guys with insane value. This is such a great tool and offer I really wanted to give you guys a chance to see it, and get a steep discount to help you grow. If you can make it to the webinar today I promise it will be worth your time.

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