What Is The Legiit Score? | Understanding The Legiit Score

What Is The Legiit Score? | Understanding The Legiit Score

Our mission at Legiit is to give every business on planet Earth (and maybe some day other planets) a platform where they can in a few easy steps

View everything they need to know about their business in one place.

Find the people, or skills they need to make any improvements they need

Have an easy all encompassing score to give them an idea of where they stand.

That last point is what we are going to focus on in todays livestream.

Today, live, at 3pm. EST. I am going to talk about The Legiit Score and how connecting your business to the Legiit Get More Stuff Done Dashboard will give you a score that encompasses several variables that gives you a picture of your businesses health, and what exactly you can do to fix it.

I will also do a quick recap of my experience last week speaking at the SEO Spring Training conference.

We will have the usual giveaways, Q&A, pizza, and other fun stuff too!

(One of those is a lie)

(Pizza. Pizza was the lie)

See you today, live, at 3pm. EST.

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