Legiit State Of The Union 2021

Legiit State Of The Union 2021 – https://legiit.com

#legiit #legiitupdates #legiitmarketplace

Live Thursday 4/29/2021 – 4pm. EST.

Live On Facebook, YouTube (Both Chris M .Walker and Legiit official channels), LinkedIn, Periscope, and Twitch

We are going to discuss what is on the horizon for Legiit including:

New Features That Are Coming
Some Things That Are Going Away
New Properties Under The Legiit Brand
Updates To Processes That Will Help Customers Find The Services They Need
Quality Control Measures For New Services
Recruiting Top Tier Talented Freelancers
New Marketing Initiatives
Free Pizza Slices Daily

…and how this will help you all get more stuff done!

(Pizza slices were clikbait. There will be no pizza)

On Facebook click Get Reminder so you don’t miss out

On YouTube click Subscribe and Notification Bell.

See you on 4/29/2021 at 4pm. EST.

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