On Page SEO Optimization The Complete Guide

On Page SEO Optimization The Complete Guide

***Different Time This Week Thursday 6/17/2021 1pm. EST***

Over the last two weeks we have covered a complete SEO campaign A-Z, and a Google Maps Blueprint.

This week we are going to dive into on page… or really on SITE SEO (I will explain what I see as the difference on the stream)

Almost every time I have an SEO ask me to take a look at their site that is stuck or not ranking like they think it should be they say “I have the on page done 100%” and it almost never is.

This is foundational SEO stuff but for most people it means turning the lights green on their plugin… they have no real understanding of on-page SEO.

On page is also increases the efficiency of your other efforts and the ROI from your campaign so its crucial to your business to get this right.

We will cover:

✅ Where to start
✅The most important factors
✅ Some stuff you are likely doing wrong/overlooking
✅ Some tools you can
✅ Some freelancers that can do it for you
✅ Free Pizza* ?
✅ That last one is a lie
✅ …and much more

It all goes down Thursday 6/17/2021 at 1pm EST.

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